Trial set A


In stock


This product is a value set including the shipping fee to anywhere in Canada. It cannot be combined and shipped with other products. If you put other products in your cart, shipping fee will be charged to additional products. For pickup or local delivery orders, it's better to pick each product instead of placing an order this set.


This is the best set to taste our popular products!


Coconama's selection:

-24pcs Gift box x 1

Coconut, Dairy Free Green Tea Dark, Dairy Free Lavender Dark, Dairy Free Mint Dark, Dairy Free Orange Dark, Dairy Free Salted Dark, Dark Black Sesame, Japanese Sake, Lemon Basil, Passion Fruit, Raspberry White, and Tiramisu

-10pcs Coconama Cup x 4

Dark (70% Dark), Mango, Rich Coffee and Salted Caramel. 


Crunchy, Salted Caramel and Salted Dark


70% Belize


Your selection:

Please add an order note for your

-12 flavours for a gift box

-4 flavour for COCONAMA 10pcs Cup

-3 flavours for COCOBAR

-1 flavours for COCO-LABO